Mozambique Telephone Directory

Trace Mozambique Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 141 Mozambique Businesses on Pincode 1100. Mozambique has a population of 30,528,673 and there are thousands of businesses in Mozambique whose numbers are available for Mozambique Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Mozambique Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 141 businesses number on pincode 1100 in Mozambique.

Cell Number Business Name
258850519486 Macaneta Beach Resort
258847243520 First step / used clothes
25821400343 PEP Maputo 1
25821400343 PEP Montepuez Cabo Delgado
258825995022 Mr Soto
258846851943 Lodge Quinta do Louren�o
258865586601 Centro Comercial Nkanhine Plaza
258844729268 Sandu Diabugu Lda
258846851943 Lodge Quinta do Louren�o
258843636276 Padaria Angola
25821359100 Grindrod Mozambique Limitada
25821400343 PEP Inharrime
25821400343 PEP Moatize
258845139841 Crisogas lda
25821400343 PEP Quelimane Shoprite Centre
258870851980 Gurkha Cigar Lounge
258845458494 Gala Gala Eco Resort
258846994128 Imagem Boutique
258850777222 Tyrecom, Lda
25821359100 Grindrod Mozambique Limitada
258846044414 Ocean View Ponta
258845458494 Gala Gala Eco Resort
25821400343 PEP Maputo Av 25 Setembro
258844141138 RSM Mo�ambique, Lda
258852233330 Caf�3D
Cell Number Business Name
258860588888 Brilhante Decora��o
25821421955 Blu Sky Hotel
258848323000 ABC Fashion Maputo
25821451085 Shoprite Costa Do Sol
258852020000 CS Research Mozambique
258842589062 Ginasio josina Machel
258872524183 Isa Manjate
25821304954 TIBA Mozambique Lda
25821400343 PEP Maputo Av 25 Setembro
25821400343 PEP Maputo Interfranca
25821225400 Entreposto Commercial
25821400343 PEP Nacala
25821400343 PEP Nacala 2
25821453000 Game Maputo
258843025434 Artigos de Prata
25821400343 PEP Zimpeto Mall
25821400343 PEP Montepuez Cabo Delgado
258843787661 Marino Tech Cell Shop
25821400343 PEP Massinga
25821400343 PEP Massinga
25821242400 Radisson Blu Hotel & Residence, Maputo
25821359545 Regus - Maputo, Millennium Park
258844141138 RSM Mo�ambique, Lda
25821483300 Maputo International College



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Mozambique like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Mozambique Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 0.1632